Thursday, February 4, 2016

End Time Radio By Messiah's Branch - MISSION WATCH: "What About the New Covenant?"

MISSION WATCH: "What About the New Covenant?"


MISSION WATCH: "What About the New Covenant?"
Daniel Thomas Lancaster

The Bible could be called the book of covenants, if you understand these in the Bible you will understand the Bible better, meaning also Bible Prophecy as well…..

Daniel Thomas Lancaster
is the educational director with First Fruits of Zion, the author of the popular Torah Club series, Messianic Jewish commentary on the Torah, the Prophets, and the New Testament.

He has also authored several books through First Fruits of Zion including "Restoration: Returning the Torah of Moses to the Disciples of Jesus," and today's title, "What About the New Covenant?"

He travels extensively as an international speaker in the field of Messianic Judaism and pastors Beth Immanuel, a Messianic Jewish synagogue in Hudson, Wisconsin.

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It is up to you to pray and sort it out!"
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